Cambridge Sports Union  Orienteering

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Park-O #3: Boston Common 

Starts: Thursday, May 2, 2013 6:00 PM
Registration:  Pre-registration is optional, but requested (so we know how many maps to print) by Wednesday, May 1, 2013 11:59 PM
Start Type: Interval (runners start at 1 minute intervals)
Map: Boston Common
Organizer: Giacomo Barbone

Updated park-o points are here:

For the "Advanced" course, Giacomo set up 2 loops, 2.8 km with 19 controls, and 1.8 km with 10 controls.
Beginners could do just one of the loops, and all chose the longer one. The long loop had a butterfly control, one that you had to visit several times. It was on top of a hill, just like the previous Park-O at Peter's Hill. The difference is that at the Common, the maximum climb was 6 m, rather than the 40 m at Peter's Hill.

CSU is in transition to epunching, and at the Common we used hybrid punching - the start, finish, and the point between loops had epunching, while all other controls were by pin punch.

  1. Brendan Shields                13:48     8:57     22:45
  2. Anna Shafer-Skelton         15:27     9:38     25:05
  3. Ari Ofsevit                         16:03    9:48     25:51
  4. Katia Bertoldi                    16:00     9:53     25:53
  5. Dan O'Leary                        ---       ---      26:44
  6. Mika Latva-Kokko             16:22   10:46     27:08
  7. Alex Jospe                         16:32   11:00    27:32
  8. Michael Hughes                 17:23   10:19    27:42
  8. Ed Despard                        17:30   11:34    29:04
  9. Dave Yee                           17:40   12:31    30:11
10. Dean Sturtevant                 19:04   12:00    31:04
11. Pia Webb                           19:05   12:26    31:31 (took a rest between loops)
12. Aims Coney                          ---      ---     34:16
13. Sarah Hughes                     31:10   15:41   46:51
14. Sagun Giri                             ---      ---    50:50
15. Charu Tuledhon                    ---      ---     57:14
16. Michael Commons                 ---      ---    58:28

  1. Zagy                                    24:16
  2. Lisa Snyder                          28:25
  3. Lindy Amir                           42:20
  4. Page Soltany                        42:23


Beginner1500m50m15Course data is preliminary.00
Park-O4800m100m20Course data is preliminary.1316

Start Location  

Available Maps:

Topozone Google Maps

the start/finish is near the baseball diamond at the west end of the Common. (down the hill across the common from Park St T-station).

Driving? you can park in the underground garage below the common for a reasonable rate. [garage details]

Orienteering Map

Boston Common

Scale: 1:2500
Contours: 1m

mostly open or open with scattered trees. Lots of paved paths and point features (like light posts and trash barrels) all trees are marked on the map.

Cambridge Sports Union